Realistic IRR and LCOE Projections

Most Cost-Effective Solutions

Quick Turnarounds

Conventional power costs have a limit to what extent these can be saved.
Savings have to be optimally matched with capital investments, for the
quickest-possible equity and project paybacks. Internal rate of returns (IRRs)
have to be more realistic and achievable, as weill as deliver the cheapest
levellised cost of energy (LCOE) over the project lifespan.

To achieve this, REECODE develops the most cost-effective financial solutions.
Sustainable solutions have to be no-regret solutions. Solutions that do
not compromise on the quality of components used, but compromise on
REECODEā€™s own expected profit margins, to serve its customers!

Large infra-projects run the risk of not only cost-escalations, but also
delayed benefits. This is not just for the customer, but for REECODE as
well. That makes us commit ourselves fully to speedy execution and quick
turnarounds for the customers and ourselves alike.